Exclusive: “United Consultancy is dedicated to the provision of specialist mental health, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disability services” Dr. Oladimeji Kareem tells Diamond Celebrities

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Dr Kareem is an Oxford-trained Psychiatrist and the CEO of United Consultancy solutions, a UK-based Staffing, Training and consultancy outfit. He is also the Medical Director and Responsible Officer for the Medical Support Union (MEDSU), a mutual doctors’ organisation which is a designated body with the General Medical Council, UK with prescribed connection to the London NHS. Previously, he served as the Director of Medical services with St. Luke’s hospital. He has also worked as Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director for St. Luke’s Hospital, Ebbw Vale, South Wales (2008-20011) and Linden House Hospital, a medium secure unit in Yorkshire, UK, (2005-2008). These hospitals catered for patients with or without a Learning Disability, offending history, Mental and Behavioural disorders, Autistic Spectrum disorders and Personality Disorders.

We therefore wondered why such a reputable medical doctor is also interested in the media and entertainment industries. Dr Kareem is on the editorial board of Western African magazine and contributes health-related articles to that journal. In 2012, Dr Kareem co-produced a Nollywood-UK collaboration movie titled ‘Housemates‘ which was premiered at the Odeon cinema, Greenwich, London in February 2012.

Given this interesting background, Diamond celebrities thought it would be useful to share this illustrious Nigerian personality‘s experience with our readers.

By Delia Innoma

Please introduce yourself to our readers; revealing your name and what you do?

I am Dr. Oladimeji Kareem, a medical doctor, Consultant Psychiatrist and an entrepreneur. Outside medical practice, I am also interested in the print media, movie production and the entertainment industry. My activities entail working in hospitals with patients, leading a doctors’ mutual organization (Medical Support Union, London), managing a Consultancy outfit (United Consultancy solutions, UK), writing in the print media (Western African magazine, London), networking with music promotion partners who are also interested in movie productions (L’Chaim entertainment, UK). I believe that African and particularly Nigerian talents in the media and entertainment industries should be supported and celebrated.

Tell us about your new company, ‘United Consultancy’?

United Consultancy is dedicated to the provision of specialist mental health, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Learning Disability (LD) services. It was formed out of a desire to contribute to service development for less fortunate and vulnerable people in our society and to train people who care for them to provide them with appropriate care and support models based on good knowledge and evidence. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, specialist solutions in consultancy, training, recruitment and community Autism services throughout the UK.

United Consultancy Solutions’ exceptional teams of consultants have extensive experience in the complex and varied fields of mental health with extensive experience in the public and private sectors. Our team of specialists includes Psychiatrists, psychologists, speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, cognitive-behaviour specialists and social workers who are fully qualified to conduct independent assessments, diagnoses, therapies and trainings across the board.

What’s your target market?

Our target market includes the NHS, Independent sector as well as Individuals that require our services in staffing, support, consultancy and training solutions. Our clients include healthcare and legal services providers that care for and support individuals with learning disability, autism and mental health problems.

What benefit is the training especially (support for Autism) to Medical practitioners?

Most practitioners are not familiar with the right support approaches for people with Autistic spectrum condition and it is only until recently that the condition has taken a prominent position in the world stage including legislations now being established to ensure that people with Autism receive the right care and support. Trainings that we provide for healthcare and medical practitioners enable them to gain better understanding of the condition and enlighten them on treatment approaches that are likely to be most effective. The feedbacks that we are getting have been quite positive and complementary. The most important benefit of providing these tailor-made trainings is that the individuals with Autism and or learning disabilities are given better quality of lives and provided with the right treatment, care and legal outcomes where applicable.

What qualification does one need to register for the training?

We do not specify any requisite qualifications for those that can access our trainings. We have a host of different training programmes that we can provide for different categories of staff and also for families and carers. Our attendees include non-professionals interested in Autism (like carers or family members of a person with Autism or learning disability), healthcare support workers, nurses, doctors and lawyers. So the qualification range of those that can attend our trainings is varied. We also provide bespoke (tailor-made) trainings for different organizations and individuals or families.

Apart from training; what other benefits does ‘United Consultancy’ offer to the society?

United Consultancy also delivers staffing solutions in the supply of high caliber health and social care staff to the NHS and Independent sector organizations. We also provide legal consultancy solutions by working with lawyers to provide medico-legal reports for individuals with Autism and learning disability that are detained in hospitals in the UK. We also provide court reports to assist the courts to make the right decisions in cases involving individuals with mental health problems, Learning disability and or Autism. We always seek to support good causes and charitable events in our communities and we have participated repeatedly in raising funds for these causes.

What does your average workday consist of?

I don’t have an ‘average work day’ per say as each day is always different. My work and experience on a day to day varies. The most consistent aspect is working with my patients in the hospital and even that could mean travelling all over the country to see patients for various reasons. The many other things that I do could mean that I am in London today, Wales tomorrow and Manchester the day after. Of course, technological advancement in communication has made it possible and easy for me to stay in touch and participate actively in the day to day running of United Consultancy and my other interests.

What challenges do you face at the moment?

The current declining global economic climate is making it difficult for individuals and organizations to invest in services that they would otherwise have. This cuts across all services but ‘Training’ in particular has become the Cinderella of most health and social care providers. Unfortunately, without giving staff the right training, the outcomes for them and the clients or patients they care for is often poor and the consequences in some instances can be dire for everyone. It’s a catch 22 situation but we are rising up to it and remain positive in our outlook. I guess as an organization, United Consultancy Solutions has remained focused and determined to provide these services in the interest of the vulnerable, weak and less privileged members of society and we shall not falter.

Does the bank really support entrepreneurial ventures, given that they are by their nature high risk activities?

As I mentioned earlier, we are all aware of austerity measures being implemented in various guises across the globe. In my humble view, this was precipitated by the banks in the main although society can’t exonerate itself, as we all encouraged the banks by accepting the fictitious money that they offered then in the form of improperly secured mortgages, loans and credit cards. The masses and small businesses are now being punished as the banks are currently reluctant to lend to them to promote growth. In the current climate, it takes a very determined entrepreneur to weather the storms and achieve business growth. United Consultancy Solutions is a viable outfit and we rely on the commitment of our staff and quality of our service delivery to overcome the tough times.

How do you see United Consultancy developing over the next 3 – 5 years?

In 3 to 5 years, by the grace of God, I expected United Consultancy Solutions (UCS) to have become a multi-national outfit with Satellite hubs and branches in mainland Europe, Africa, Asia and the North Americas. The conceptualization of the ‘UCS’ brand is predicated on a carefully planned business model which is being implemented in phases. We are currently in phase 1 of our five-phased development and Growth plan. We have four more phases to go.

How do you measure the level of your success in the community you serve?

We are able to gauge our success with the individual and organizational feedbacks that we get from those that have used our services. Those have been extremely positive and encouraging across the board. In a wider context, we would hope that our contributions would make the communities we serve to be become better places, as experienced by individuals with Autism, Learning disability and mental health problems.

You are an Executive producer of a Nollywood movie ‘House Mates’; what do you think about the Nollywood Industry?

Nollywood has come of age and has become a major contender in the world stage of film production and entertainment. Not long ago, Nollywoood was trailing Bollywood which by the way has been in existence and growing since the 1960’s and 1970’s. For a much younger Industry like Nollywood to overtake Bollywood is a most commendable achievement and I have to say more grease to their elbows. You can’t have an organization as large and diverse as Nollywood without encountering conflicts and controversies. These are universal phenomena particularly where competitions and supremacy ambitions are involved. My advice however is that the Nollywood actors and stars need to be good team players and see the Industry as a National treasure that they should all protect and support in the interest of our country.

What your aspiration movie forward?

My aspiration is to keep working hard, be happy with what I do and to be successful in most. Above all, I aspire to leave a better place behind, where ever I shall tread, so people there can be happier and feel more-fulfilled.

What advice would you give to a young entrepreneurs starting out today?

My advice would be that they determine before-hand what their specific business objectives are and set out a step by step project plan on how they are going to achieve those goals and objectives. After that, get to work and do not look back. While working, remain focused, steadfast, honest, humble, humane, persistent and profitable. Be a good, tolerant but firm and consistent team leader. Remember the mantra ‘Rome was not built in a day’.

Is there anything you want our readers to know we did not include in this interview?

Not really, I think I have said enough! …..Laughs.

Thanks for talking with us?

The pleasure is mine.

Dr. Dimeji - Diamond Celebrities

About Delia Innoma

Delia Innoma is a prolific writer, promoter, artist manager with full professional proficiency in English, German and Igbo languages. She studied accounting and computer programming at the Institute of Management and Technology Enugu and Germany respectively. Delia is also a devoted mother of two and she founded the Diamond Celebrities Magazine. Her sense of responsibility and commitment to the Christian faith are essential forces driving her daily activities.


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