Keeping your word!

Vows they say, are often made in storms and forgotten in calms. But if you value your word, it will make you be careful about your promises; careful in making them, careful in keeping them.

Do not make rash promises. One thing you can give and still keep is your word. A man is only as strong as his wordHis word is his bond.

Promises may get friends, but it is performance that keeps them. When you break your word, you break something that cannot be mended.

“Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil” (Matthew 5:37).

Always allow honesty and integrity to increase with your riches. Take care of your character, and your reputation will take care of itself. Keep your credibility by keeping your words.


Happy Sunday



About Don Saint

PR Guru / Author / Promoter / Controversial Writer / Hip Hop Artiste / Actor / Human Rights Activist. The First Nigerian Hip Hop Artiste to obtain a Masters Degree (M.A) in Arts ( Religion & Human Relations). The author of one of the most controversial books in Nigeria; "Emancipation from Masturbation". With over 12 Movies and 3 Musical albums since 2003. Former Events Manager at Silverbird’s Rhythm Fm Awka Station till 2010. For more info. Call : 08033239298.

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