I’ll Beat Very Dark Man If He Dares Me – Blessing CEO

A self-acclaimed relationship expert, Blessing Okoro, aka Blessing CEO, has said that despite her controversial online persona, she is a disciplined individual in real life.

In an interview with Saturday Beats, she said, “People often misunderstand me because of my activities on social media. But in reality, I very disciplined. My father instilled in me the value of selective actions, which has helped me to abstain from habits, such as smoking and drinking. I take pride in my actions, and I always hold myself accountable.”

Okoro stated that though she has been embroiled in an online feud with controversial social media personality, Martin Otse aka Verydarkman, noted that she did not have anything against him, but just did not agree with his opinions. She added, “VDM had been insulting me for months. He did a lot until I told him enough is enough. I am not going after him; but, if he does something to me, I will retaliate. It’s just that I will not reply when expected. If VDM dares me, I will beat him, just the same way David beat Goliath. It is not by being muscular.”

She added that fame had made her keep to herself more in recent times. She said, “I am sapiosexual, so I love an intelligent and productive man. I am also very cautious of the kind of people I date because of fame. Fame has made me withdraw into my shell.”


About Delia Innoma

Delia Innoma is a prolific writer, promoter, artist manager with full professional proficiency in English, German and Igbo languages. She studied accounting and computer programming at the Institute of Management and Technology Enugu and Germany respectively. Delia is also a devoted mother of two and she founded the Diamond Celebrities Magazine. Her sense of responsibility and commitment to the Christian faith are essential forces driving her daily activities.

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